Disc Harrow

- The 3 meters wide disc harrow is ideally suited to carry out stubble cultivation directly after the harvest.
- It works at a depth of 6”, with its operating width of 3 meters.
- High hectare output of 6 Acres/hr is possible due to its high working speed up to 10 Kms/hr.
- Double gauge rollers are used for levelling the lands.
Pneumatic Seeder

- The précised seeding is done with 6 rows pneumatic seed planter.
- The seed is dropped by means of vacuum that is created by the impeller. Each seed hopper has a capacity of 30Kgs.
- Seed depth wheel and rear seed pressure wheel can be adjusted to suit according to cover the seeds & soil conditions.
- The row to row distance can be adjusted by its adjustable disc plate provided which can be changed according to the size of the seed.
- Fertilizer hopper with 200kgs capacity each deposit at the same point of seedling to stimulate the roots development and supply the plant with nutrients throughout the entire grooving season.
- The usage of seed cum fertilizer planter does not just conserve energy but also saves around 20% of seeds and also increase the yield by 15% through better placement and more effective utilization of fertilizers and seeds.
Rotary Tiller

- Suitable for All regions
- Best Fuel Economy
- Perfect Match
- Smooth Operation
- New Range
- Quality Trusted
- Flexible
- Best Output Quality
Two Row Cultivator

- The Two row cultivator is developed for intensive loosening and remove compaction after the usage of disc harrow.
- This is best used before seeding to prepare the land for the cultivation.
- It works at a depth of 12”, with its operating width of 3 meters.
- 5 Acres/hr. can be covered at its operating speed of 10 Kms/hr.
- Double cage roller , levels the ridges and furrows left from tillage.
Manure Spreader

- This manure spreader is designed to spread the natural manure to the vast land of field in a very short time.
- This can also be used as trailer.
- The manure spreading to the soil is essential and good for soil conditions.
- It works with hydraulic push-type mechanism.
- About 10 Tonnes of manure can be loaded.
- 5 Tonnes of manure is required for one Acre.
- Spreading range is around 30 feet.